Archive for November, 2009

Posted By andrew603

Minor site changes.

I’ve been doing some back-end changes to the site lately, mostly in the spam removal area.  I use the Akismet plugin which catches pretty much everything, and now I also let the spam folder build up a week or two, check for IP’s that tried to post spam more than once, and ban them from accessing the site at all.  I will have to add a new HTTP 403 error page with email address or something just in case a legitimate person gets blocked.  Though I might do better to just clear the ban list every few months.

I also removed the glossary plugin, it was causing some php warnings and I don’t feel like trying to correct it.  I might go back to the idea when a newer suitable plugin is developed.

What else?  I am also still working on some new audio material to post and I’ve started work an a Roland Sound Canvas page, I’m just waiting to arrange all my SC’s on a nice table and take some neat pictures first.  I suppose I should also take some photos of the inside of my XV-5080 with RAM and it’s new expansion board and my Fantom XR also.

Posted By andrew603

Torchlight: The best Diablo game since Diablo 2!

Main Menu

Main Menu

In town with me transformed pet.

In town with my transformed pet.



This game is great!  It’s the best Diablo clone since Diablo II IMO!  If you are looking for the purest clone of Diablo ever, or something to tide you over until Diablo III, I think this is it.
The gameplay is right out of the Diablo playbook in all the best ways.  Torchlight was developed by the team that made the original Diablo, Diablo II, Fate, Mythos, and Hellgate: London.
I think my favorite thing about the game is probably the music.  It was composed by Matt Uelmen, who has worked on the soundtracks for the original Diablo, Diablo II, and much of the soundtrack for World of Warcraft.
The blend of orchestral sound and driving percussion rhythms with acoustic and pedal steel guitar is simply magic.
Another thing that’s pretty cool about Torchlight is the infinite dungeon maps.  Once you complete the main storyline, or during the main storyline, you can purchase maps that open portals to randomly generated multi-level dungeons with bosses!  Really cool!
Torchlight is also very easy to modify.  The editor has not been released at the time I am writing this, but even without that I have made some of my own mods to the game.  It will be really fun once they release the real editor!
There is talk about a non-subscription MMO version of Torchlight in the pipeline which would be lots of fun I think.  Some class and game balance issues would have to be worked out though.
Either way I look forward to delving deeper into the darker and darker dungeon corridors of Torchlight, and if you made it down this far too, do you have a torch?
It’s dark, I could use a light!!
Oh, you can get Torchlight at or from Valve’s Steam service.
Posted By andrew603

Tales of Monkey Island: Episode 4

Quick little comment about this one.  As expected, this episode was great.  I won’t write much about it as I don’t want to ruin it for anyone that has not played through it yet.  If you didn’t, GO BUY IT!

I will say this, in the words of Dominic Armato, “we’re really starting to get into some meaty stuff”!

I can’t believe there’s only one episode left!  I really hope the LucasArts License Gods™ renew, or extend, or whatever the Secret of Monkey Island Franchise™ license to Telltale Games for another season, or two, or three, or more!

Also, a new full blown 40+ hour epic adventure game would be nice too.  Hey, It’s possible!  I can only hope that the games are selling a thousand times as much as I’ve enjoyed them.  That way we got a chance!  Right?  Right???

Posted By andrew603

Praying Mantis in the Backyard!

I have not seen one of these things in years! Pretty impressive insect!

Below are some photos I took of it. Enjoy!

A Praying MantisA Praying MantisA Praying Mantis

A Praying MantisA Praying MantisA Praying Mantis

Now, for good measure, here are a few photos of Herman!
Herman posing for the camera.

Herman posing for the camera.

He loves the sound of the camera!

He loves the sound of the camera!

He didn't quite expect this last shot LOL!

He didn't quite expect this last shot LOL!