Posts tagged as ' Web Design ' ...
New Year, New Site Theme!

Sorry for the lack of updates… It was a hectic last few months!
Anyway, as you can see, I have updated the theme of this website to a new one! “i7” by
The theme is by the same gentleman who made the previous theme on this site!
I really like it! What do you think?
Check back soon for some new-ish recordings to be posted here, as well as some new sub-content.
Are We Posting to Facebook?
As most of my friends know, I don’t really care for Facebook all that much. I have an account sure, but I hardly ever look at it. I prefer the simplicity of Twitter, the control of running my own website, and WordPress. So, hopefully with this new WordPress plugin called Wordbook the few people that I have “friended” on Facebook will be able to better see what I’m up to. We’ll see how it goes…
I made my first WordPress plugin!
Kind of neat. I made myself a simple admin-only plugin that should make debugging the site a bit easier for me. Simply put, I can now view some of my log files securely from within WordPress. This is good for me because now I don’t have to login via SSH to my webhost to view them.
Why did I make my own plugin? The main reason is that a quick search on yielded me nothing comparable, or at least as simple as my needs are.
Once I give it a few more features, maybe I’ll submit it to Though, that would probably be a long way down the road…
Technical Site Update: Theme Updated.
Also, it looks like we have got nice image containers now! I’ve wanted this for this theme since I switched to it, so that’s great!
Inanis has done a great job with his theme in this version.
Other Changes: I have rearranged the sidebar in the hopes that it makes navigating the site a bit easier.
Here’s some images for example of the nice new borders…
Technical Site Update: Permalinks Have Changed.
Just a note:
I have changed the structure of ‘permalinks’ throughout the site. So, if you have links to any specific posts, please update them.
SynthStudio Has Moved To A New Web Host!
Update your links!
I have finally given in and bought some new webspace with Dreamhost via a recommendation from a friend who says they are good. My only hope, is that their claim of unlimited space is actually true. I looked at a lot of webhosts, and many claim to have unlimited storage, but always have a clause reguarding actual content that takes up space, like MP3’s in my case. I wasn’t able to pinpoint anything with dreamhost on that issue. So we’ll see!
Why did I do it? I’ve done this for a few reasons:
- First, It’s less maintenance for me and more secure in the backup/disaster recovery area.
- Second, I was running my site off a first generation Apple Mac Mini! LOL! That thing is slow, the new host is much more powerful.
- Third, because I was running the site out of my home, I was unable to host on the default TCP/IP Port 80. So this solves that long lasting issue for those of you that were not able to see my site.
So, what does this mean for you? My very few but faithful readers? The site will be better than ever moving forward!
Now, why not celebrate the new with somthing old? The following are some old recordings of mine that go back to the ‘FruityLoops 3.0‘ era:
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Download Links to tracks above, in playlist order.:
All new theme for the site!
Installed and slightly customized a really cool Windows Vista-esque theme for the site called Inanis-Glass. What do you think of it?
It took me a while to get the background in the banner at the top to look right belive it or not. I still need to optomize the style code for it from inline css into the real stylesheets, but it works for now.
Next, I need to figure out a way to have the Twitter widget not pause the loading of the rest of the site. I could use an iframe but I really don’t want to. Any ideas?