Posts tagged as ' SC-8850 ' ...

Posted By andrew603

Some Random Sound Canvas Comparison Recordings

This post is in response to a favor somone asked me at the forums.  Here are some recordings for comparison between the Roland SC-55mkII, SC-88 and newer Roland Sound Canvas synths.

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1) Doom E2M2 – Roland SC-55mkII
2) Doom E2M2 – Roland SC-88
3) Doom E2M2 Remix – Roland SC-8820

Space Quest 5:
4) Space Quest 5 Soundtrack – First 5 Minutes – Roland SC-55mkII
5) Space Quest 5 Soundtrack – First 5 Minutes – Roland SC-88
6) Space Quest 5 Soundtrack – First 5 Minutes – Roland SC-8850

Space Quest 6:
7) Space Quest 6 Theme – Roland SC-55mkII
8) Space Quest 6 Theme – Roland SC-88
9) Space Quest 6 Theme Remix- Roland SC-8850

10) Space Quest 6 Orion’s Belt Bar Part 3 – Roland SC-55mkII
11) Space Quest 6 Orion’s Belt Bar Part 3 – Roland SC-88
12) Space Quest 6 Orion’s Belt Bar Part 3 Remix- Roland SC-8850

13) Space Quest 6 Roger’s Place – Roland SC-55mkII
14) Space Quest 6 Roger’s Place – Roland SC-88
15) Space Quest 6 Roger’s Place Remix- Roland SC-8850

Posted By andrew603

A Couple Random Photos

Here are a couple recent photos of my audio rack, and Herman, our bird.  Not too much going on right now.  Though I am waiting for a new MIDI Controller Keyboard and a new microphone.  More on that when they arrive.

The top half of my synth rack as of March 18 2010.

The top half of my synth rack as of March 18 2010.

Some synths temporarily on top of my PC

Some synths temporarily on top of my PC

My synth rack, as of Mar. 18 2010

My synth rack, as of Mar. 18 2010

Herman hides in between the pillows!

Herman hides in between the pillows!



Herman is a fan of the blue cloth!

Herman is a fan of the blue cloth!



Posted By andrew603

Dragon Warrior 4 – Tower Music – Remixed Drafts

Here are my two first drafts of the in progress remix of the Dragon Warrior 4 Tower Music.  I’ll write more about it when I decide it is finished.

Current Draft:

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First Draft:

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Posted By andrew603

Dragon Warrior 4 – Tower Music

A friend asked me to see what I can do with this midi music of the game Dragon Warrior 4 if I had time to check it out.  He mentioned that it was making patch changes to sounds that his synth doesn’t have.  I have identified that the MIDI is most likely a Roland GS midi of the SC-88pro sound set, as none of the patch changes call for sounds from anything newer than the SC-88pro.  I started cleaning up the first couple tracks, getting rid of redundant control messages mostly, and have recorded the song unaltered on my SC-8850.

Here it is:  

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(MP3: Dragon Warrior 4 -Tower Music)

Now, it is time to see what I can do with it on the XV-5080 and Fantom XR 🙂

Posted By andrew603

Fantom XR Tricks: Guitar Amp Sim with “Flanger” Using 1 MFX.

This post has been in draft form for a few weeks now, I felt like trying to do something more with it, but now am just posting it as is…

I was working on a new guitar patch for my Fantom XR, generally messing around really, and I was shocked to realize that I can not apply a flanger effect to it after the “Guitar Amp Sim” effect in “Patch Mode”.  I knew that I could only use one MFX in patch mode, but I guess I am just used to my old faithful SC-8850 which could do true flanger using it’s ‘chorus dsp’.  Now some of you might say “well just use performance mode and do an MFX chain!”, that’s well and good only if you don’t plan on using the other MFX units for something else!

So, I came up with a workaround using Chorus on the Fantom.  It’s the same old trick, but it works.  Here are the basics of it:

  • Setup your Guitar Amp MFX however you like.
  • Set your Guitar Amp MFX “Chorus Send Level” to 127
  • Set your Chorus to “01:Chorus” and start with the settings below.
    • Output Level:  32
    • Filter Type:  off
    • Cutoff Freq:  8000 Hz
    • Pre Delay:  0.0 msec
    • Rate:  0.10 Hz
    • Depth:  54
    • Phase:  0 deg
    • Feedback:  72

I made a guitar patch based on the “Fingr Tap’n” patch from the SRX-03 Studio SRX board I called “Priest HiWay” using the technique above.

Here is a short clip of me screwing around on my keyboard with it.

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As you can see, it sounds pretty much like a flanger thanks to chorus being a pretty similar effect anyway.

Till next time…

Posted By andrew603

Rocking with the XV-5080…

EDIT: Updated version with different patches with some more bite for “vocals”.  What do you think?

Today, like many days, I was going through the thousands of patches in my Roland XV-5080 and came across a few replicating some of Jon Lord’s (Deep Purple) organ sound.  So, I decided to remaster an old MIDI of one of my favorite Deep Purple songs on the XV-5080, Child In Time.

The two organ patches I used for this song are called “Fire Perc” and “HeavyTraffic” from the “SR-JV80-08 Keyboards of the 60’s and 70’s” expansion board .  I customized both of the patches a little bit until I was happy with them.

Next, after spending more time than I would have liked to looking for a suitable guitar patch for the song, I gave up and made a new one.  I wasn’t really going for emulation and just made something I thought sounded nice in the song.  I spent a fair amount of time on the guitar patch.  I’ll try to remember to write something about it later.

The next thing on the list was the drums, I used the “Studio Set” kit from the “SR-JV80-10 Bass & Drums” expansion board and customized some of the cymbals and crashes a bit.  I also routed the drumkit to a separate audio output on the XV.  So that I could amp it up a bit during recording, I set it to output from the XV dry, and added a different reverb and very minor EQ to it.

After that, I worked on the “vocals”.  Normally I don’t bother using or keeping “vocals” in MIDI music.  But, seeing as Child in Time is as much a great organ piece as a voice solo, I decided to keep it.  I settled on a smooth mellow sound using a couple patches on the SC-8850 which I think does the job of keeping the melody of the song’s lyrics.

Here’s the recording, let me know what you think: 

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Download My Updated MP3: Child In Time MIDI Remaster v2 (Roland XV-5080 & SC-8850)

Download My Original MP3: Child In Time MIDI Remaster (Roland XV-5080 & SC-8850)

Posted By andrew603

Screwing around with the Guitar Amp Simulator…

Wrote this little metal ditty last night using the XV-5080 with SC-8850 on drums.  The first half is original, or maybe it’s based on something I’ve heard that’s stuck in my head.  Either way I’d like to elaborate on it some more.  The second half of the recording is a surprise.  Comments?

EDIT:  Updated version: 

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Download:  NewMetalTestXV2

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Download:  NewMetalTestXV

Posted By andrew603

About page updated…

Be sure to check out the about page.  I updated it with some photos of my gear.

Some excerpts:

Another angled shot of my Roland XV-5080

Another angled shot of my Roland XV-5080

My Desktop as of June 30th 2009...  Havn't installed the XV in the rack yet.

My Desktop as of June 30th 2009... Havn't installed the XV in the rack yet.

Posted By andrew603

Beat It! XV-5080 and SC-8850 in Tag-Team Action!

Nice way to revive this old SC-55 GS MIDI  🙂  XV-5080 on Guitars, SC-8850 on everything else…

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Download: xv-5080_and_sc-8850_beatit

Posted By andrew603

Welcome to SynthStudio.NET!

Welcome to the SynthSudio.NET blog!  Currently, our new site is under construction.

As a short sample of what’s to come, below is music from Doom 2 recorded using a Roland SC-8850.  In time I will add complete pages about the entire remix process of the songs.

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Download Doom2-InCity_SC-8850

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Download Doom2-Doom_SC-8850