Posts tagged as ' SC-880 ' ...
A Couple Random Photos
Here are a couple recent photos of my audio rack, and Herman, our bird. Not too much going on right now. Though I am waiting for a new MIDI Controller Keyboard and a new microphone. More on that when they arrive.
Dragon Warrior 4 – Tower Music
A friend asked me to see what I can do with this midi music of the game Dragon Warrior 4 if I had time to check it out. He mentioned that it was making patch changes to sounds that his synth doesn’t have. I have identified that the MIDI is most likely a Roland GS midi of the SC-88pro sound set, as none of the patch changes call for sounds from anything newer than the SC-88pro. I started cleaning up the first couple tracks, getting rid of redundant control messages mostly, and have recorded the song unaltered on my SC-8850.
Here it is:
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(MP3: Dragon Warrior 4 -Tower Music)
Now, it is time to see what I can do with it on the XV-5080 and Fantom XR 🙂
This guy is one of the most amazing MIDI composer’s I have ever heard. I’m not really clever enough to write a nice bunch of paragraphs about how good he is. So, I’ll leave you with some of his music. Skeptics please remember, what you are about to hear is simply a recording of “one of those crappy .mid-e files” played straight through one of my Roland Sound Canvas’.
Enjoy! Oh, make sure you use the ‘next’ and ‘back’ buttons in the player to listen to all 5 songs posted here. Each one is better than the last!
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Click “More»” for the MP3 downloads.