I love the smell of butt-hurt liberals/democrats/socialists in the morning, it smells like… Victory!
I really did not want to ever post anything about the insanity that we call “politics” in this site. But…
You know, I really, really, REALLY, did not want to ever post anything about the insanity that we call “politics” in this site. But, I recently read a ‘letter to the president’ by a friend of a friend, basically QQing (crying for you non-WoWers) about the latest crazy scheme by the new administration to steal more of my money. Money, that I don’t have, and give it to corrupt health care companies who care more about making money than people’s health. YES! That is why some of us have opposed these things.
Does anyone else find amusement in that sweet moment of realization on the part of these rabid supporters of the new administration, that that administration is failing them willfully? That it is sticking it to them, using them like trained monkeys? Not the good kind of trained monkey either. You know, the ones that can fly a space ship, but the kind of trained monkey that can only do as it’s told and is incapable of fighting back against it’s own oppression?
No, I am not providing any references to my opinions, because the liberals don’t have to.
This is followed up with complaints about how angry he is with the proposed policy changes, then talks about how, if it continues, he officially no longer supports this new administration, one that he proudly, err blindly, voted for; but perhaps I’m being too harsh here. After that, he basically goes on apologizing and blames republicans for it all, it’s amazing! The rest is inane dribble, this also is not entirely true as I agree with some of his basic ideas.
I wish, that the new “leaders” would wait and see if any of their schemes bring about positive results before moving on and spending more more of my money willy-nilly on the next scheme.
Now, don’t get me wrong, as someone who has been looking for work since Dec.08, I am all for anything that will enable me to ‘get some coverage, just in case’ but more importantly help the economy. I wish, that the new “leaders” would perhaps wait and see if any of their schemes bring about any positive results, like helping me and many others get jobs, before moving on and spending more more of my money on their next crazy scheme. Can anyone resurrect Heath Ledger, convince him that he really is Joker, and take care of these people before it’s too late? They’re schemers, and you know what he does to schemers…
Oh wait we’re too late, they already spent more money I don’t have. So much for that.
Anyway.. That’s my own inane dribble about politics and how I don’t care for them at present. I’m so glad you all voted for change for change sake, like the cattle you are. Oh and another thing: No, I am not providing any references to my OPINIONS, because the liberals don’t have to in order to convince sheep to stay in the pen, so why should I?
PS: For the record, ‘The Daily Show’ is not a real news show. Even John Stewart admits this, some of you need to learn this.

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