Quick little comment about this one. As expected, this episode was great. I won’t write much about it as I don’t want to ruin it for anyone that has not played through it yet. If you didn’t, GO BUY IT!
I will say this, in the words of Dominic Armato, “we’re really starting to get into some meaty stuff”!
I can’t believe there’s only one episode left! I really hope the LucasArts License Gods™ renew, or extend, or whatever the Secret of Monkey Island Franchise™ license to Telltale Games for another season, or two, or three, or more!
Also, a new full blown 40+ hour epic adventure game would be nice too. Hey, It’s possible! I can only hope that the games are selling a thousand times as much as I’ve enjoyed them. That way we got a chance! Right? Right???

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