Archive for the Category: ' Random News '
Still here… Just pre-occupied
Just a quick update to let anyone that checks the site that I'm still around, as evidenced by the MIDI Music Adventure Show site more regular updates…
I've been real busy with work the last several months. I know, typical.
I do have many things planned for the site here if I can ever get to them. For starters, I'm thinking about consolidating the two sites into just one to make things a bit easier for myself. As it stands now they are completely different web servers! Nuts I know!
More updates coming hopefully soon!
More Updates Soon… I hope!
Hey all,
I’ve been extremely busy with work the past few months and have not had time to update my websites due to some intense projects/hours.
I still have a fair amount of content just about ready to upload… It’s only a matter of time.
Also: Diablo 3 has stolen some of my time as well, haha!
Hey there, just thought I would write a quick post about what's going on with me.
I just started a new job a couple weeks ago among other life things.. I do have some new recordings to post here but have just been busy.
Stay tuned for some new stuff! 🙂
Added some new photos and other stuff you may have missed…
I have added a few new photos of my Fantom XR & XV-5080. Also, if you have not noticed, I am slowly updating the Recording Gear and Synthesizers pages.
I have lots of stuff to post! It will happen eventually! 🙂
New Year, New Site Theme!

Sorry for the lack of updates…Â It was a hectic last few months!
Anyway, as you can see, I have updated the theme of this website to a new one! “i7” by
The theme is by the same gentleman who made the previous theme on this site!
I really like it! What do you think?
Check back soon for some new-ish recordings to be posted here, as well as some new sub-content.
It’s been pretty busy for me lately, with the MIDI Music Adventure Show! and work, I havn’t had much time to post much new stuff here. Â But don’t worry! Â I am slowly but surely working on some new Synth-Studio content. Â So check back from time to time!
Oh, here are some new-ish recordings for your listening pleasure!
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
MP3 Downloads
Joe and Mac SRX
Super Mario RPG – Forest SRX
Super C
Sombaddy Kall Tha Docktuhh!!!
Yamaha MU128 Song Arfy Sent Me!
Check Out The First MIDI Adventure Show!
Check out my other website and new online radio show MIDI Music Adventures! Â I just did my first show last night.
Busy working on my new other website!
I’ve been spending a lot of time working on the website for my upcoming online radio show:Â The MIDI Music Adventure Show!
Once I’m happy with the site, I’m gonna start putting together some promo bits and intros and beds and stuff for it. Then I have to decide when I want to actually do the show!
Anyway, check out the site for my upcoming online Radio show:Â The MIDI Music Adventure Show!
If Harry Potter was a DOS Adventure Game…
If Harry Potter was a DOS Adventure Game, I imagine it would sound something like this. The original FM sequence was composed by my friend Andre. We remixed it into an orchestral piece the other day, and gave it the Roland XV-5080 / Fantom XR / SRX Expansion Board treatment. We had a blast making this remix!
The original FM version is queued first, in the player below. The remix will play after. Enjoy!
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
MP3 Downloads!
What have I been up to the past week?
- I’ve been playing Dragon Age Origins for the past few days. Â It’s a pretty fun game. Â I’ve played through it once as a Dwarf Noble Warrior, now I’m going again as a Dalish Elf Warrior.
- I’ve been playing on my Counter-Strike: Source server and trying out a bunch of different server-side mods. Â I found one mod I really like and went so far as to code my own small addon for it, but currently have the mod disabled because some of the regular players were crying like babies about it. Â I suppose any mod that forces people to actually have to both think about tactics and react quickly, or die, is just too much to ask.
- We started raiding 25 player instances in my WoW guild again last week. Â It’s going alright I suppose, though not much has changed. Â I find myself losing interest, which is probably a good thing..? Â I’d like to kill Arthas and be done with it, but we’ll see what happens…
- I ordered some new hard drives and a new CPU for my main PC! Â Hopefully it is here by the middle of the week. Â More on this when it arrives…
That’s all for now…