Was listening to some neat music on my MT-32 today. Here are some recordings from the adventure game Deathgate as heard from my SC-55mkii in MT-32 soundset mode. Also, I also recorded some music with Reverb and Chorus turned off, in response to a thread on the QuestStudios.com forums.
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
MP3 Download Links:
- SC-55_MT-32-Soundset_Deathgate-000
- SC-55_MT-32-Soundset_Deathgate-001
- SC-55_MT-32-Soundset_Deathgate-003
- SC-55_MT-32-Soundset_Deathgate-004
- SC-55_MT-32-Soundset_Deathgate-014
- SC-55_Sam&Max-Theme_NoEffects
- SC-88-SC55MODE_Warcraft2_Human1gm_NoEffects
- SC-88-SC55MODE_Warcraft2_Orc1gm_NoEffects
- DukeNukem3D-05-Waterworld_SC-55-NoEffects
DeathGate MT-32 MIDI Soundtrack (The MIDI files in this ZIP archive will only play correctly on a Roland MT-32 or compatible MIDI Synthesizer!)
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nice work andrew