Busy working on a new Christmas MIDI album.
I’ve been laying down track after track on my Christmas MIDI album for 2009…
I made one back in 2004 that the family seemed to really like, that was using only my Roland SC-8850. This time around I am using mostly my XV-5080 and Fantom XR, with some D-550 and other synth’s thrown in the mix for some tracks as well. It is shaping up nicely so far. At the time of this writing, I have 12 tracks completed.
Here is one track to give you a taste of what’s coming: Now Rock, Ye Rested Gentlemen, a ‘big band’ take on God Rest, Ye Merry Gentlemen.
This song was re-mixed and recorded using my Roland XV-5080 and Fantom XR with multiple SRX Expansion boards each. Enjoy!
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The source MIDI file was used with permission from Gary of Gary’s MIDI Home Page. So be sure to check out his website for some more great MIDI music.

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