Sorry, this is a pretty belated post but, I recently got the Roland SRX-02 Concert Piano expansion board for my Fantom XR. Here are some demo’s I have recorded with it for your enjoyment! Have fun!
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PS: Yes, Demo 10 is supposed to sound like that, there was a monkey playing that song after all!
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Great demos and playing! Is this definitely the SRX 02? – I ask because a picture of the SRX 11 is embedded in the music file.
Have you had any ‘velocity’ issues with the SRX 02?
Thanks glad you like them, yes it definitely is SRX-02. Unless the label on the silicon is wrong! :O Though I can not take credit for the playing. I just picked some nice piano MIDI’s and remixed them using the SRX-02 sounds in the interest of speed and getting some nice content.
I do not know why you would see a photo of SRX-11. I did not embed any kind of image into the MP3’s. Perhaps your player attempted to “identify” them itself with a wrong image?
Regarding velocity issues: As I am a mediocre keyboard player, I’m more of a sounds guy :), I have not had any issues with it. Friends of mine do have the SRX-11 and prefer it’s playability over SRX-02.
I personally prefer the sound of SRX-02 myself for the most part, it more suits the types of things I use it for better.
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