A random MIDIviaNet session with Andre
A couple nights ago my friend Andre and I were messing around with MIDIviaNet, he was tapped into my Korg X5DR.
What the heck is MIDIviaNet??? It’s a cool little app that allows you to connect to a MIDI device over the Internet!
How does that work? Well, MIDIviaNet only sends/revieces MIDI data, not actual audio. In order for Andre to hear the sound that was coming out of the synth from across the Atlantic, we used a really long Dixie-Cup Phone…
Ok, we used TeamTalk! What does that mean? The short version is, Andre plays music from his place, I hear it “live”, and then he hears it a few seconds later because of the various delays involved in the process of sending the TeamTalk audio. So to do this and play anything coherent requires a fair amount of work knowing how to keep your timing! Or you can have a ‘substitute’ sound respond to you live at the “player’s side”.
Anyway, what follows is the result of all that.
I also made a quick remix/song from one bit which is pretty cool. Enjoy!
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