Ho! Ho! Ho! After struggling for a while to fit this all onto one CD, I finished my Christmas MIDI album! I have to say, I had a lot of fun making these recordings. All tracks were recorded using my Roland XV-5080, Fantom XR, and occasionally D-550 or SC-8850 synthesizers. The album is pretty much all orchestral, big band, and jazz music. Merry Christmas to all, and to all: Enjoy the music! 🙂
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A special thanks goes out to Gary of GaryW0001’s MIDI Home Page for letting me use his excellent MIDI’s and post my remixed recordings of them.
Track Listing / MP3 Download Links
- A Most Wonderful Christmas (7:35)
- Good King Wenceslas (2:37)
- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (3:32)
- The Bells of Christmas (6:49)
- Christmas in the Round (10:33)
- Jingle Bells Fantasy (4:09)
- The Wonder of Christmas (5:23)
- Santa Songs (1:32)
- Chestnuts Roasting (4:32)
- Now Rock, Ye Merry Gentlemen (2:38)
- Christmas -That Special Time of Year (6:17)
- Santa Baby (3:21)
- A Rhapsody on Christmas Carols (6:40)
- Greensleeves (3:44)
- Snow! A Holiday Medley (4:11)
- White Christmas (3:35)
- Auld Lang Syne (2:40)
Download entire album as .ZIP archive.
- Track length indicated in parenthesis
- All source MIDI’s used with permission by their author or are considered public domain.
- If you enjoyed this album and would like to show your support, feel free to make a donation of any amount to my hosting bills.
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Nice job on the Christmas Album!
Should be played on Mission 780 Argonaut speakers with a great Yamaha amplifier to do them justice!
Thanks! I think so too, it will be fun. 🙂
Thanks so much for the CD – we listened to it on the way home and loved it! I can’t believe you made all of these songs with your synthesizer. It was great seeing you, even though it was so short. Have a Happy New Year!
Glad you liked it!