Was up all night remixing another movie soundtrack MIDI. This time it’s music from the 2005 remake of King Kong, courtesy of Gary @ garyw0001.com
I think that I reached a new personal record for “most massive” sounding orchestral midi remix with this one. Overall, I think this remix came out great, with only one or two iffy areas that I am too lazy to rewrite from scratch to optimize for the Roland Fantom XR / XV-5080 combo.
This remix features sounds from the ‘SRX-04 Symphonique Strings’, ‘SRX-06 Complete Orchestra’, and ‘SRX-10 Big Brass Ensemble’ expansion boards, with a couple custom patches of my own.
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the trailer of the movie king kong(2005) has a song i am not being able to locate… can anyone help me with that…
it has the following wordings:-
its an unlike story…
o lets start with something new
o lets start with something beautiful…
before its too late…
CAN SOMEONE help me find this song please… I am desperate