I have remixed a version of my remix of a song from the game DeathGate and replaced the electric guitar with an acoustic one. Check it out.
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EDIT: I also have uploaded the original MT-32 version, and some recordings of other songs, in reply to the same (now getting out of hand) post on QuestStudios.com
Edited again: More MP3s!
Download the MP3’s!
- DeathGate57gm_XV-XR_Acoustic.mp3
- DeathGate58_MT-32.mp3
- DeathGate03_MT-32.mp3
- DeathGate04_MT-32.mp3
- B3_XV-5080-Fantom-XR_REMIX.mp3
- B3_SC-55mkii.mp3
- B3_SC-88.mp3
- B3_SC-880.mp3
- B3_XV-5080_GM-Mode.mp3
- B3_Fantom-XR_GM-Mode.mp3
- Lands_17_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Ingame_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Death_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Snuckeys4X_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Disorientation_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Displacement_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Fugitive_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Goodtime_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Hobnob_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Matter_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Stress2_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Substance_SC-55mkii.mp3
- Think_SC-55mkii.mp3
- ToYou_SC-55mkii.mp3
- TwoGirls_SC-55mkii.mp3
- My Kim Burgaard MIDI Collection

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