Archive for June 18th, 2010

Posted By andrew603

Tin Star – Gallop Stages SRX

Here’s another SNES song remixed Roland SRX style.  The horse-ridding levels from the game Tin Star.  Enjoy!

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Posted By andrew603

Donkey Kong Country 2: The Enchanted Wood SRX

This is inspired by E3 2010 in a way, and Nintento’s announcement of an upcoming new Donkey Kong Country game for Wii.  Nintendo’s stuff for E3 this year is amazing!  God, I can’t wait to get a Nintendo 3DS some day!

Anyway, here is a remix of a really cool song from DKC2 MIDI done up on my Roland XV-5080 and Fantom XR.  Enjoy!

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Posted By andrew603

Roland SRX-02 Concert Piano

Sorry, this is a pretty belated post but, I recently got the Roland SRX-02 Concert Piano expansion board for my Fantom XR.  Here are some demo’s I have recorded with it for your enjoyment!  Have fun!

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PS:  Yes, Demo 10 is supposed to sound like that, there was a monkey playing that song after all!