Archive for September 2nd, 2009

Posted By andrew603

More messing around with the XV-5080.

I made a couple weird analog-ish patches using a few interesting techniques.

Have a listen:

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Download Link: WeirdPatch001

Here is how I did it.

One patch uses MFX #16 StepFlanger and Pan-Delay global Reverb. The percussive sounds are a side effect of the Step Flanger effect. Pretty cool, huh?

  • Here is the first patch without effects enabled:

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  • Here it is with effects enabled:

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The other patch uses MFX #45 Multi Tap Delay.

  • Here is the second patch without effects enabled:

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  • Here it is with effects enabled:

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The pitch bends are done manually. I may try to program it into an LFO later on.

Here is the whole mix with all effects disabled:

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Download Link: WeirdPatch001_Dry


Now, you may ask: “Where is the phasing effect coming from?”

The answer is, I am emulating “Pitch Drift” of the classic analog synthesizer using LFOs on the waveform level. I used a technique derived from this great article from Sound On Sound magazine.

…And now for something completely different. For my friend Arfy, here is a little remix from an old Casio toy keyboard. I don’t remember the model at the moment. Other then the arrangement of the loops and the fact that I layer them sometimes, they are exactly as you would hear from the instrument itself.

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Download Link: CasioToyFun