Archive for July 2nd, 2009
The Sloganizer currently has a limited list of slogans to produce. Help me expand it by submitting some of your own as comments to this post! I’ll be sure to leave your name as the originator of the quote. 🙂
PS: I know they are not really slogans, but damnit! Sloganizer 3000 is a cool name, I think! Also, if you are lucky the Sloganizer 3000 will tell you how to view it’s own individual page where you can refresh it quickly to your heart’s content!
The Legend of Zelda II: Medley by JHarris01; Remastered
A fellow member of the forums sent me a MIDI of an old medley he did of themes from the second Zelda NES game. I remastered it in style using the XV-5080. Adding a couple small things and changing a few others. Overall, re-balancing each instrument track. Oh, you can also vote on this song on
Edit 7/6/2009: MP3 Updated. 🙂
Here is the result:
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Download: Zelda2Medley_XV-5080_Final2
All new theme for the site!
Installed and slightly customized a really cool Windows Vista-esque theme for the site called Inanis-Glass. What do you think of it?
It took me a while to get the background in the banner at the top to look right belive it or not. I still need to optomize the style code for it from inline css into the real stylesheets, but it works for now.
Next, I need to figure out a way to have the Twitter widget not pause the loading of the rest of the site. I could use an iframe but I really don’t want to. Any ideas?