Archive for July, 2009

Posted By andrew603

Vacation Photos: Round Three!

What did I do today?  …  Well, after breakfast I attempted some more fishing.  While I didn’t catch any fish, I did manage to see a whole family of birds flying back and forth, into and out of the water, catching small fish for the babies.  That was pretty cool, took some photos of that.

After that, went out on the waverunner with my uncle, took a bunch of photos of a couple parts of the island.  I wasn’t able to take some of the “out in the middle of the ocean” photo’s that I wanted, but I was able to take a bunch of photos of some of the crazy-insane-super-expensive houses on one of the island’s peninsulas.  From what I am told some of them are worth over $20,000,000!!!

I also saw the new Harry Potter movie.  It was pretty good, though I’m not really a fanatical fan like some people.  I would have been happy seeing ‘The Hangover’, since I missed out on that when it was released.  Now we have to wait 10 years for the next HP movie I guess.  That’s what I don’t like about them, frankly I don’t see why Harry won’t just use that evil killing spell that I know he must know by now and get rid of the bad guys.  The same way they use it then to a “Gollum Happy-Dance” afterwords.  :\

Finally, as I am writing this I am downloading “The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition” via Steam to my MacBook in a VM.  I hope it will run.  If not I’ll just have to wait until I get home from vacation to play. 🙂  Make sure you buy your copy of SMI:SE!!!

As for this batch of photos, I took over 60 photos in all.  Sorry for the lame captions this time.  Maybe I’ll update them eventually, for now I just wanted to post them to the site.  🙂

Here they are:

Posted By andrew603

Vacation Photos: Round Two. …Fight!


Did some fishing today for about 3-4 hours.  Didn’t catch anything though.  I did see some alligators, maybe they scared the fish away! 🙁

Went shopping and bought some new sandals which I needed, then bought some new Tee-Shirts.

Here are some more random photos.

Posted By andrew603

Vacation Photos

Here are the first few photos from my vacation, day 1.

I plan on doing some fishing in the lagoon a few times this week.  I’ll have to watch out for alligators though, cause they are in there!

Wide angle shot of the front of the house.

Wide angle shot of the front of the house.

Wide angle shot of the back of the house we're staying at.

Wide angle shot of the back of the house we're staying at.

One side of the house, partial view of the deck to the front door.

Side of the house, partial view of the deck to the front door.

A flowering shrub found outside the house.

A flowering shrub found outside the house.

A shot of the brackish lagoon in the back of the house.

A shot of the brackish lagoon in the back of the house.

Another shot of the brackish lagoon.  Is lagoon the right term?

Another shot of the brackish lagoon. Is lagoon the right term?

Posted By andrew603

I love the smell of butt-hurt liberals/democrats/socialists in the morning, it smells like… Victory!

I really did not want to ever post anything about the insanity that we call “politics” in this site.  But…

You know, I really, really, REALLY, did not want to ever post anything about the insanity that we call “politics” in this site.  But, I recently read a ‘letter to the president’ by a friend of a friend, basically QQing (crying for you non-WoWers) about the latest crazy scheme by the new administration to steal more of my money.  Money, that I don’t have, and give it to corrupt health care companies who care more about making money than people’s health.  YES!  That is why some of us have opposed these things.

Does anyone else find amusement in that sweet moment of realization on the part of these rabid supporters of the new administration, that that administration is failing them willfully?  That it is sticking it to them, using them like trained monkeys?  Not the good kind of trained monkey either.  You know, the ones that can fly a space ship, but the kind of trained monkey that can only do as it’s told and is incapable of fighting back against it’s own oppression?

No, I am not providing any references to my opinions, because the liberals don’t have to.

This is followed up with complaints about how angry he is with the proposed policy changes, then talks about how, if it continues, he officially no longer supports this new administration, one that he proudly, err blindly, voted for; but perhaps I’m being too harsh here.  After that, he basically goes on apologizing and blames republicans for it all, it’s amazing!  The rest is inane dribble, this also is not entirely true as I agree with some of his basic ideas.

I wish, that the new “leaders” would wait and see if any of their schemes bring about positive results before moving on and spending more more of my money willy-nilly on the next scheme.

Now, don’t get me wrong, as someone who has been looking for work since Dec.08, I am all for anything that will enable me to ‘get some coverage, just in case’ but more importantly help the economy.  I wish, that the new “leaders” would perhaps wait and see if any of their schemes bring about any positive results, like helping me and many others get jobs, before moving on and spending more more of my money on their next crazy scheme.  Can anyone resurrect Heath Ledger, convince him that he really is Joker, and take care of these people before it’s too late?  They’re schemers, and you know what he does to schemers…

Oh wait we’re too late, they already spent more money I don’t have.  So much for that.

Anyway..  That’s my own inane dribble about politics and how I don’t care for them at present.  I’m so glad you all voted for change for change sake, like the cattle you are.  Oh and another thing:  No, I am not providing any references to my OPINIONS, because the liberals don’t have to in order to convince sheep to stay in the pen, so why should I?

PS:  For the record, ‘The Daily Show’ is not a real news show.  Even John Stewart admits this, some of you need to learn this.
Posted By andrew603

REVIEW: Tales of Monkey Island -Launch of the Screaming Narwhal

MonkeyIsland101 2009-07-08 19-04-22-55MonkeyIsland101 2009-07-08 18-54-37-43

When I first heard about a “New Monkey Island Game” I was extremely excited.  I scoured the interwebs looking for all the information I could find.  Luckily I didn’t have to scour for too long.  Which was good, because I always get blisters afterword and it chafes.  You know like when… um..  Ahem.  Anyway as I was saying, Telltale Games had now officially announced that they were making an all new 5 part episodic Monkey Island game!

“Hooray!  It’s about damn time!  Finally!” I exclaimed. Then, I saw the trailer and some of the screenshots they had available. At first I had some misgivings about it.  I felt the textures were of low quality, they had no new music yet, and basically it was not a finished product.

But, after Telltale’s seminars*, motivational lectures*, and audio books on parrot*, I’ve become a vicious devoted fan!

I thoroughly enjoyed the game! For me it completely captures the essence of Monkey Island.

The Good:

  • It’s an all new Monkey Island game!  What more do you need to know really?
  • The game immerses you into the world of Monkey Island well enough that you want to know what types of other adventures Guybrush has been on, or relive them if you’ve played the previous games.
    • Some of the in-jokes are designed well enough to be obvious to an MI fan, while not degrading to the game continuity to pirate wannabes.
  • The humor was spot on and only a touch more sophisticated.  After all, it has been almost ten years since the last game!
  • Dominic Armato totally nails Guybrush in the new adventure!  Every line is just as great as I expected, as if there were any doubts.

    • I daresay that the voice acting overall in this game is some of the finest I’ve had the pleasure to play through since probably Grand Theft Auto IV.
  • The artwork, models, and locations all look fantastic.
  • The animation  is also quite well done, comical and over the top, or pretty natural looking depending on what’s needed.
  • The music, well it’s new Monkey Island music composed by an artist who has worked on music for every previous MI game!

    • You want the short version?

      • The music is really great!

The Less Awesome:

Well, I suppose now you want to hear some of the things I didn’t like eh?  I mean, this can’t be all happy pixies and fairydust can it?  CAN IT??  OF COARSE NOT!  NOW!  SOME OF The — I’ll stop yelling now —

Some of the things about the game that annoyed/bothered me or I felt could have been done better are as follows:

  • First, I now have to wait for the next episode to be released! 🙁
  • Second, there is a classic joke used in the MI games by which you are presented some dialog choices and no matter what one you pick, Guybrush will say something else.

    • Usually, this is a dialog choice along the lines of something like: “I can’t think of anything I would hate more!” or “For the love of god, NO!”.  See? something like that.
    • Now the funny part of this joke is that no matter which of those two dialog options you select, Guybrush will actually say something like: “Perhaps, later.”  It’s like you get mock a character or insult someone, only not.  Pretty funny right?
    • Moving right along, the problem I have with this in ToMI is that it was overused within a single conversation.

      • When this is done more than once sequentially within a single conversion with a character, it makes the game feel cheap.
      • Don’t get me wrong, I still find it funny, but these things really should be spread out!
      • If they’re not spread out, it makes me think: “Hmm, maybe they were trying to save money/time during voice-over and are trying to cover it up as intentional?” or “Maybe Dom couldn’t get those lines how they wanted, no that’s not possible, everything else is gold!”.
  • Another thing I didn’t like is that Telltale didn’t use any of my book titles or kinds of wind!** I thought they were pretty good!
  • Last, I miss Earl Boen’s LeChuck.  The new guy is quite good, but it just wasn’t quite the same initially.  I’ll just get used to it though, no big deal.  Especially since I will be hearing Earl in the MI1 Special Edition on the 15th! 🙂

Looking to the future:

Some things I would like to see done in the future for this series:  Enable you to play through all the episodes in succession without having to ‘launch the next program’, perhaps this is being worked on.  Fingers crossed.

Note:  This post will probably be updated from time to time.  So check back later!

~Blokebroom Pluckplank – a Really Fearsome Pirate
* Substitute:  The ‘Privite Pirates Club’ on Telltale Games website forums.  Also:  Yes, I did steal that line from MI3, it fits doesn’t it?  🙂
** See ‘more’ to see more!  Below…

Voodoo Monkey Image Gallery AKA Some Screenshots I Took:

More »

Posted By andrew603

A Pirate, I was meant to be! Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Sitting here anxiously awaiting the Tales of Monkey Island release today.

Promotional Button for Tales of Monkey Island

Promotional Button for Tales of Monkey Island

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Posted By andrew603

The Sloganizer 3000 Needs Your Help!

The Sloganizer 3000 is sad :(

The Sloganizer 3000 is sad 🙁

The Sloganizer currently has a limited list of slogans to produce.  Help me expand it by submitting some of your own as comments to this post!  I’ll be sure to leave your name as the originator of the quote. 🙂

PS:  I know they are not really slogans, but damnit!  Sloganizer 3000 is a cool name, I think!  Also, if you are lucky the Sloganizer 3000 will tell you how to view it’s own individual page where you can refresh it quickly to your heart’s content!

Posted By andrew603

The Legend of Zelda II: Medley by JHarris01; Remastered

A fellow member of the forums sent me a MIDI of an old medley he did of themes from the second Zelda NES game.  I remastered it in style using the XV-5080.  Adding a couple small things and changing a few others.  Overall, re-balancing each instrument track.  Oh, you can also vote on this song on

Edit 7/6/2009:  MP3 Updated. 🙂

Here is the result:

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Download:  Zelda2Medley_XV-5080_Final2

Posted By andrew603

All new theme for the site!

Installed and slightly customized a really cool Windows Vista-esque theme for the site called Inanis-Glass.  What do you think of it?

It took me a while to get the background in the banner at the top to look right belive it or not.  I still need to optomize the style code for it from inline css into the real stylesheets, but it works for now.

Next, I need to figure out a way to have the Twitter widget not pause the loading of the rest of the site.  I could use an iframe but I really don’t want to.  Any ideas?